Folic Acid

DEA Class; Rx, OTC

Common Brand Names; Folvite

  • Vitamins, Water-Soluble

Oral/parenteral, water-soluble B-vitamin; found in foods including leafy green vegetables and fortified grains; regulates homocysteine. Used for megaloblastic and macrocytic anemias, use may mask vitamin B-12 deficiency. Not clinically useful in offsetting the action of folate reductase inhibitors. Also used to treat tropical sprue, alcoholism. Adequate intake by women of conceptual age substantially decreases risk of congenital neural tube defects. Further data to refine effect on CHD and other chronic disease.

Indicated for the treatment of folate deficiency megaloblastic anemia due to malnutrition, pregnancy, infancy or childhood, alcohol use disorders, and nontropical or tropical sprue.

For nutritional supplementation.
For the adjunct treatment of primary homocystinuria.
For methotrexate toxicity prophylaxis in patients receiving methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis.
For folate deficiency diagnosis, to detect the presence of folate deficiency without concealing pernicious anemia in patients with megaloblastic anemia.
For neural tube defect prophylaxis.


  • Bronchospasm
  • Erythema
  • Malaise
  • Pruritus
  • Rash
  • Slight flushing

Undiagnosed anemias

May mask anemia at dosages >0.1 mg/day

In presence of vitamin B12 deficiency, not appropriate for monotherapy in pernicious, normocytic, or aplastic anemia

Vials must be protected from heat and light

Injection contains benzyl alcohol as preservative (benzyl alcohol is associated with gasping syndrome in neonates)

Pregnancy category: A

Lactation: Drug enters breast milk; safe for nursing

The following are recommended upper tolerable intake levels if healthy, non-vitamin deficient, unless otherwise noted. In patients with deficiencies or disease, higher dosages have been used.


1 mg/day PO. For patients with deficiency states or disease (e.g., megaloblastic anemia), intakes have been > 5 mg/day PO, and up to 15 mg/day PO in some cases


1 mg/day PO. For patients with deficiency states or disease (e.g., megaloblastic anemia), intakes have been > 5 mg/day PO, and up to 15 mg/day PO in some cases


>= 14 years: 0.8 mg/day PO.


9—13 years: 0.6 mg/day PO.
4—8 years: 0.4 mg/day PO.
1—3 years: 0.3 mg/day PO.


Maximum dosage has not been determined.

Folic Acid


  • 400mcg
  • 800mcg
  • 1mg

injectable solution

  • 5mg/mL

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