
DEA Class; OTC

Common Brand Names; Senokot, ExLax Regular Strength, Lax Pills, Little Tummys Stimulant Laxative Drops, Senexon, SennaGen, Senna Smooth, ExLax Maximum Strength, SenokotXTRA

  • Laxatives, Stimulant

Intestinal irritant and stimulant

Indicated for treatment of Constipation


GI obstruction or perforation

Ulcerative colitis

Symptoms of appendicitis or acute surgical abdomen

Acute intestinal inflammation (Chron’s disease)

Fecal impaction

GI or rectal bleeding

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Electrolyte abnormalities, including hypokalemia
  • Excessive bowel activity
  • Finger clubbing (long-term use)
  • Melanosis coli
  • Nausea
  • Nephritis
  • Yellow-brown urine discoloration

Not recommended in patients experiencing sudden change in bowel movements lasting >2 weeks, stomach pain, or nausea or vomiting

15 mg/kg dose potentially toxic in children <6 years

Over-the-counter use not recommended in children <2 years

Pregnancy category: C

Lactation: Not excreted in milk; compatible;


15 mg PO once daily; not to exceed 70-100 mg/day divided q12hr

Not for use >1 week

Senna Leaf Extract

  • 362-1056 mg PO qDay

Bowel Preparation

Various regimens exist that include senna laxative with additional gastric lavage

Usual dose: 130 mg PO between 2:00 and 4:00 PM in afternoon of day before procedure



  • 8.6mg

  • 15mg

  • 25mg

chewable tablet

  • 10mg

  • 15mg


  • 8.8mg/5mL

concentrated oral drops

  • 8.8mg/mL


  • 8.8mg/5mL

senna leaves

  • 454g

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