
DEA Class;  Rx

Common Brand Names; Sectral

  • Antidysrhythmics, II; 
  • Beta-Blockers, Intrinsic Sympathomimetic

Cardioselective for beta-1 at low doses; has intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, ie, can lower BP with less decrease in HR

Class 2 antiarrhythmic

Indicated for the treatment of Hypertension, Ventricular, Arrhythmias, Angina


Persistently severe bradycardia; 2°/3° heart block except patients with functioning artificial pacemaker, overt cardiac failure, cardiogenic shock

  • Fatigue (11%)
  • Dizziness (6%)
  • Headache (6%)
  • Constipation (4%)
  • Diarrhea (4%)
  • Dyspnea (4%)
  • Dyspepsia (4%)
  • Nausea (4%)
  • Flatulence (3%)
  • Insomnia (3%)
  • Abdominal pain (2%)
  • Bradycardia (2%)
  • Chest pain (2%)
  • Dysuria (2%)
  • Edema (2%)
  • Heart failure (2%)
  • Hypotension (2%)
  • Impotence (2%)
  • Myalgia (2%)
  • Pharyngitis (2%)
  • Pruritus (2%)
  • Rhinitis (2%)
  • Vomiting (2%)
  • Wheezing (2%)

Use with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis

Exacerbation or induction of psoriasis reported with therapy; cause and effect not established

Use caution and monitor for progression of arterial obstruction in patients with peripheral vascular disease and Raynaud disease; therapy may precipitate or aggravate symptoms of arterial insufficiency

Prior to use a β-blocker, adequate alph1-receptor blockade required in patients with pheochromocytoma

While taking β-blockers, patients with a history of severe anaphylactic reaction to a variety of allergens may be more reactive to repeated challenge, either accidental, diagnostic, or therapeutic; such patients may be unresponsive to usual doses of epinephrine used to treat allergic reaction

Sympathetic stimulation may be essential for support of circulation in individuals with diminished myocardial contractility; inhibition by β-adrenergic receptor blockade may precipitate more severe failure; although β-blockers should be avoided in overt cardiac failure, acebutolol can be used with caution in patients with a history of heart failure who are controlled with digitalis and/or diuretics; both digitalis and acebutolol impair AV conduction; if cardiac failure persists, therapy should be withdrawn

Pregnancy Category: B; D in 2nd and 3rd trimesters (expert analysis). Neonates of mothers who have received acebutolol during pregnancy have reduced birth weight, decreased blood pressure, and decreased heart rate.

Lactation: excreted into milk/not recommended



400-1200 mg/day divided PO q12hr; not to exceed 1200 mg/day

Ventricular Arrhythmias

400-1200 mg/day divided PO q12hr; not to exceed 1200 mg/day


400-1200 mg/day divided PO q12hr; not to exceed 1200 mg/day


Safety & efficacy not established



  • 200mg
  • 400mg

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